Alicia Was Fainting 1995



2h 28m

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Alicia Was Fainting 1995 en streaming vf

Alicia Was Fainting
Alicia Was Fainting streaming
Alicia Was FaintingRate:
Alicia was fainting, a bittersweet coming-of-age featurette from Spanish/choreographer Núria Olivé-Bellés, tells the story of a fourteen year-old girl dealing with her mother's death, the onset of womanhood and with her own awakening sexuality. Preparing to graduate from elementary school, Alicia must now part with her best friend and blood-sister Margarite. Resistant to the idea of traditional women's roles. Alicia works in a butcher shop where, admits the hanging meat and bones, she daydreams about her mother and writes letters to Margarite.

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