Trancers: City of Lost Angels 1988



Action / Science Fiction / Thriller / Crime /

2h 28m

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Trancers: City of Lost Angels 1988 en streaming vf

Trancers: City of Lost Angels
Trancers: City of Lost Angels streaming
Trancers: City of Lost AngelsRate:
Jack Deth, the super cop from the future, has put away three centuries worth of time traveling criminals. But Deth's most dangerous collar, the ultraviolent assassin Edlin Shock, has escaped from her maximum security holding cell and won't rest until she's exacted revenge. Meanwhile, Deth is trying to make a life for himself as a private eye in 1988 Los Angeles with his hot-blooded girlfriend Lena. Relationship troubles are just the beginning of Deth's problems when he learns that Edlin Shock has followed him back in time.

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